Issue #15 of - your weekly growth marketing reading list
It has now been three months of sending these weekly emails, full of the best growth marketing articles. Wow, time flies when you're having fun!
Thanks for being involved. - Miles

This issue sponsored by Sendview - Thanks!

This post takes a deep dive into the best ways to structure your marketing experiments. From A/B testing to MVT, discover the best technique for you!

LinkedIn analytics are a means of measuring your social media success. To help you get the most out of LinkedIn analytics, Hootsuite have put together the following guide.

This is a lengthy, detailed guide to getting major publishers to feature your content. Well worth reading.

Online video is now a must-have part of your marketing strategy. Mitch Meyerson explains how to win in a world gone video.

David Arnoux explains how they run their company with an experiment-driven approach, and he believes these experiments shouldn't take longer than two weeks.

Instead of signing up for your competitors’ emails with your own address, SendView allows you to generate private tracking addresses to use instead. (Sponsor)

Why is most of your content still failing? Simple: Your definition of quality content is completely wrong! Here are seven traits that really define high-quality content.

Last night Chris Von Wilpert was listening in to an interview from David Hauser, a serial B2B SaaS entrepreneur based out of Las Vegas who shares ten great lessons.

Neil Patel explains how conversion rate optimization has never been bigger than it is today.

Is it actually true that short keywords tend to get tons of searches per month, while the long ones are never popular. Tim Soulo explains.

Lindsay Pettingill, Data Scientist at Airbnb discusses how they are running around 700 experiments per week.

I trust you're finding these emails worth reading - keen on any feedback you may have at any time. I would appreciate if you would help me give more people value, by retweeting this from the @thegrowthemail account.
Thank you for reading! Have an awesome week ahead.
Miles, · Great Digital, PO Box 3093 · Belmont East 6104 · Australia
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